Psalm 107 "God's Promise for the Mission"

Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

He is good
He loves you forever
He will redeem you from the hand of your foe
He will gather you
He will deliver you from distress
He will lead you by a straight path
He will settle you
He will satisfy your thirst
He will fill your hunger
He has good things
He will bring you out of darkness
He will deliver you from the deepest gloom
He will break the chains
He will break down gates of bronze
He will cut through bars of iron
He will send you his word
He will heal you
He will rescue you from the grave
He will show you his works
He will still the storm
He will hush the waves
He will guide you to a safe haven
He will turn the desert into pools of water
He will turn parched ground into living springs
He will bring you a fruitful harvest
He will increase your numbers
He will lift you out of your needy affliction
He will increase your family
He will bless you
His love is unfailing
His deeds are wonderful

Ps 107:43
Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.

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