Me: "Once a week, usually on Sundays. That doesn't count all the times I just sit and stare at my food (daily Scripture reading)."
I had asked Him why I felt so weak and inconsistent - like a spiritual hypoglycemic...
Father: "Makes sense."
Me: "What?"
Father: "That you feel weak... You're not eating right."
Me: "Oh."
Father: "Manna only lasted a few hours, but it came every day."
Me: "So, I should eat every day?"
Father: "If you want to be strong."
Me: thinking...
Father: "Jesus made a big deal about food. Think about it."
Me: thinking... remembering...
Food was a big deal in John 21...
Jesus: "Guys, do you have any food?"
Disciples: "No."
Jesus was appearing to them after His resurrection, and it was STILL about food. They didn't get it. Still.
Jesus: "Peter, do you love me?"
Peter: "Yes."
Jesus: "Feed my sheep."
Food was a big deal in John 6:32-35...
Jesus: "I am the Bread of Life, sent by God."
Food was a big deal in Hebrews 5:12-14...
Paul: "Milk or meat? Grow up..."
Food was a big deal in Acts 2:42-47...
Early Church: "Join us - make a commitment to share, to each other's sustenance. Daily means you need to let your hair down around each other, no hair products, no need to clean the house perfectly before you fellowship."
Food was a big deal in Luke 22:14-20...
Jesus: "Communion is about food and fellowship - spiritual food, and spiritual fellowship. Do this often, and remember my food and my fellowship."
Question 1: How will I feed myself well?
Question 2: How will we feed each other well?